Exam #1 logistics and preparation

As a reminder, the midterm will consist of two parts (50 minutes for a 'written' Canvas portion that will count 50 points  and 50 minutes for a programming coding portion that will also count 50 points) The written portion will be on Tues and the coding portion on Thursday. You are encouraged to study all previous activities and labs, textbook chapters and reading quizzes, and homework assignments. Materials here are presented for you to help prepare for the exam(they are not a study guide for exact format, but as an aide to prepare for the exam). The solutions will NOT be posted, but you may ask questions about individual items on these via Piazza or in class.  

 Sample Written Exam  Sample Written2

 Sample Coding Exam  A driver file to test your Game: GameDriver.java

Coding exam reference sheet


Written Exam


Students will be able to...

  • Recognize vocabulary/concepts from Ch1-4.
  • Declare and assign variables and constants.
  • Evaluate arithmetic expressions (type and value).
  • Define and invoke methods with parameters.
  • Predict the output of programs with 2+ methods.
  • Write methods that require I/O and arithmetic.


  • This is a closed-book, closed-notes, no-calculator exam. Do not refer to any materials other than the exam itself.

  • Do not look at anyone else's exam. Do not talk to anyone but the instructor during the exam. Turn off all cell phones, etc.

  • Use the restroom and take care of personal needs before you arrive. If you need to leave during the exam, ask for permission.

Coding Exam


Students will be able to...

  • Meet any objectives from HW1-HW4.
  • Perform integer division and modulo.
  • Invoke methods from the Math class.


  • During the exam, you should only use the provided reference sheet.  
  • You may run the following programs: JGrasp, DrJava (or other simple text editor), a terminal, meld (or other diff tool), and a web browser. 

  • At the end of the exam, you will submit your code via Autolab.

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