Lab13: Car objects


The goal for this activity is to implement a Car class so that it conforms to the UML below:

Part 1: Driver, Constructor and __str__

  1. Create a Python file
  2. Add the three instance variables from the UML diagram to your Car class.
  3. Code the constructor(__init__) for your Car class. This should intialize the make and year fields using the arguments to the constructor. The speed should be initialized to 0.
  4. Code the __str__ method. This method should take no parameters and should return a string generated using the format method for strings:
    str_car = "A {} {} that is going {%.1f} mph"
    str_car.format(year, make, speed)
  5. Test your partially completed Car class by adding code to a main section in that creates and prints two car objects. The contents of main should look something like the following.
    car1 = Car("Ford", 1997)
    car2 = Car("Toyota", 2014)

Part 2: Remaining Methods

Complete each of the remaining methods of the Car class. Test each method by adding appropriate calls to main.

  • The three "getter" methods should each return the value of the appropriate instance variable.
  • The accelerate method should increase the current speed of the car by 5.0 mph. It should NOT be possible to increase the speed beyond 150.0 mph. If a call to accelerate would push the speed beyond 150.0, the speed should be set to 150.0.

    (How will you test that this is working correctly? How many times do you need to call accelerate before the upper speed limit is reached? Might a loop be helpful here?)
  • The brake method should decrease the current speed by 5.0 mph. It should not be possible for the speed to drop below 0 mph.

Submit through Gradescope by the end of the day.



This references a Java lab designed by Dr. Sprague.


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